Greenville! Let’s Connect!

I find myself spending a lot of time ferreting out local information. Does the recycling center take fluorescent light bulbs? Who do I talk to about getting a traffic light up at a dangerous intersection? When does the school board meet? Who is my county council person? When is the free shred documents event?

And I imagine that others have similar questions.

Greenville! Let’s Connect! is my way of providing information of civic and community interest. I will post information about council meetings, recycling events, and “who to contact for” information. In addition, I will “spotlight” local non-profits who are offering programs and services to the community. And this will be a politics free zone.

You’ll receive regular emails….usually once a week….with a short message and a link to “more information.” Greenville already does a good job of posting foodie and entertainment events so I will not be emailing you about those.

I have your name in my current email list, but if you’d rather opt out, please feel free to unsubscribe. If you know others who might be interested, please forward this email and ask them to sign up on this website.

Please let me know via message if you have information that needs to be shared!

Thanks so much,
Wanda Meade



Mailing Address:

1407 Trailhead Court
Greenville, SC 29617

If you have questions/comments or if you would like to submit information that you would like shared, email Wanda Meade directly or use the form.

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